The Daily 15 and the 100 Mile Challenge 

At Haverigg School we enjoy all sports. In particular we have a great record for running. Each year our children compete in several cross country events and have had ongoing and great success in these. In addition we hold our annual "Fun Run" around the Haverigg sand dunes where both staff and children take up the challenge.

As part of our school improvement plan the children decided that we needed to be exercise and be more active each day. Their solution was to incorporate a "daily15" into each day; this is 15 minutes of brisk exercise, running or walking in addition to PE lessons and playtime activities. Not only does it help our physical health but also our mental health - we all feel great after our dose of "daily 15".

In previous years we have also taken part in the 100 mile challenge - click on the link below for more information.


Click here to view the Active Cumbria 100 Mile Challenge site



Our Values

We aim to teach the children at Haverigg Primary School how to behave well and to be considerate and self-disciplined individuals.

We highlight different values throughout the year to provide children with the language and understanding to maintain these values.